Student Resources

Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Physical Education Complex, Room 224
(410) 951-1352

Listed below are resources for students to use for reporting a complaint of Harassment or Discrimination. This form is meant to be a pocket resource for quick reference. It can be printed by clicking here.

Sexual Misconduct and Title IX

Campus Resource Guide for Students, Faculty and Staff

Coppin State University is committed to maintaining an academic and working environment where all individuals feel safe and are free to develop intellectually, professionally, and socially. In accordance with Title IX, Coppin State University prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity it operates.  

Sexual misconduct includes incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment. This encompasses incidents of rape, fondling, sexual coercion, gender-based harassment, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.

Please see the University’s and University System of Maryland (USM) policies related to sexual assault and sexual harassment for definitions of terms and additional information. The University’s policy is available on the University website at Title IX Compliance.


You have the right to determine what course of action to take. Your health and safety are our primary concern. Twenty-four hour assistance is available on-campus and in the local area surrounding the campus.

  • Immediately after an incident, get to a safe place.
  • If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, you should call CSU’s Public Safety at 410-951-3911 or call local law enforcement at 911.
  • Seek medical attention regardless of the decision to report the incident to campus law enforcement officials. It is important to take care of your physical and emotional needs.
  • Preserve any evidence in a paper bag (e.g., clothing, bedding, phone/text messages, photos, no bathing, washing hands or mouth, urinating, etc.) that may assist with a criminal prosecution or University’s investigation.
  • Seek confidential medical treatment from the University’s Community Health Center at 410-951-4188. The University’s Public Safety officers are available to transport you to a local medical facility when the University’s Health Center is closed.
  • Seek confidential counseling and support services through the University’s Center for Counseling and Accessibility at 410-951-3939 or off-campus for everyone at TurnAround which is the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Crisis Response Center in Baltimore City at 443-279-0379, a 24/7 Helpline, or
  • Report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator at 410-951-6543 or by email at so immediate action can be taken to address the incident.

CSU is committed to taking immediate and effective steps to promptly investigate all incidents of sexual misconduct, to determine what occurred, and take any necessary steps to eliminate sexual misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects on the campus.

Retaliation against an individual who reports an incident of sexual misconduct is strictly prohibited. Any acts of retaliation should be reported immediately to the Title IX Coordinator.


If someone reports an incident of sexual misconduct to you, it is important to provide a safe and comforting environment for the individual. Once an individual begins to share information regarding an incident of sexual misconduct, you should do the following:

  • Advise the individual of any obligation you have to report the information being shared.
  • Encourage the individual to immediately seek medical and/or counseling services.
  • Inform the individual that there are several resources available to support them throughout this process.
  • Advise the individual of their ability to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator or to local law enforcement.
  • Advise the individual that retaliation for reporting an incident or sexual misconduct is prohibited.


Sexual Harassment: Any individual who obtains knowledge of an incident of sexual harassment or sexual violence is required to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator in accordance with the University’s Sex Discrimination Policy.

Sexual Assault: All campus faculty and staff are required to report incidents of sexual assault to the Title IX Coordinator.

A Responsible Employee is required to report sexual assault or sexual harassment. These individuals include, but are not limited to:

  • Public Safety 
  • Athletic Coaches
  • Student Affairs Personnel
  • Residence Life Personnel (e.g., Resident Directors, Resident Assistants, etc.)
  • Provosts/Assistant Provosts
  • Vice Presidents/Assistant Vice Presidents
  • Deans/Assistant Deans
  • Department Chairs
  • Faculty
  • Administrators and Supervisors




For a Printable Version of this Form, Please Click Here

Gender-Based & Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Support Options for Students

Gender-based and sexual misconduct prohibited by Coppin includes, but is not limited to, sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. A detailed list and description can be found in the Sexual Misconduct Policy." You may speak with any of the resources below at any time—reporting is always an option. Choosing one path does not exclude other options. Pursue the option(s) that you feel will be the most helpful for you and your recovery.

After the occurrence of an incident, please proceed with either of the following options:

  • Speak with someone confidentially
  • Speak with someone (does not need to be confidential)
  • Get more information and/or make an anonymous report

If you decide to report the incident, please know that:

You have the option to file a criminal report with Public Safety and an internal report with the University’s Title IX Coordinator at the same time.

You may request that the information you report remain confidential. Confidentiality can only be guaranteed when you report the incident to counseling or health care personnel (e.g., Counseling Center or Community Health Center). When a report is made through another campus resource, every effort will be made to honor your request for confidentiality, and information will only be shared with those who need to know.

The University will implement appropriate supportive measures required to protect you in the academic or working environment (e.g., changing your classes, changing your housing assignments, etc.).  These supportive measures are implemented by the Title IX Coordinator. 

Confidential and Non-Confidential Resources for Students


On-Campus Resources

Coppin Center for Counseling and Accessibility

Community Health Center

Off Campus Resources

Mercy Medical Center (Hospital) Forensic Nurse Examiner Program

TurnAround Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Center
443-279-0379 - 24 Hour Hotline

House of Ruth
410-889-7884 - 24 Hour Hotline


On Campus Resources

  • Title IX Coordinator: 410-951-6543
  • Coppin State Staff and Faculty
  • Office of Residence Life: 410-951-6399
  • Coppin State University Police: 410-951-3911 (emergency)

Off-Campus Resources

Baltimore Police: 911
(Non-emergency) 410-396-2525

If you aren't sure what you would like to do, would like more info, and/or would like to make an anonymous report, consider these resources:

410-951-3911 is CSU’s Public Safety's (Campus Police) emergency number. If you are unsure about whether you would like to make a police report, please do not share specifics or identifying information with the Dispatcher when you call—just let the dispatcher know that you would like to meet with the Title IX Coordinator. You are NOT obligated to disclose why you would like to meet with them.

Reporting Gender Based & Sexual Misconduct at Coppin State University

Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator (TIXC) will speak with you about what has happened, explain reporting options, offer supportive measures, and connect you with resources both on and off campus.  The TIXC’s role is to stop the conduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. If you decide to make a formal complaint, then the TIXC will initiate the investigation process.  They can also assist you with safety, housing and academic concerns, among others, which are called supportive measures. If you request that the TIXC not take further steps with a report, that request will be honored to the extent possible. If the report raises significant safety concerns for you and other members of Coppin's community, they may need to initiate further review and/or other action steps in response to the report. In these rare cases, the TIXC will keep you informed and take all reasonable steps to keep your name confidential. Factors considered when evaluating a request for confidentiality include the seriousness of the alleged conduct, ages of parties, history of complaints about the accused, and the accused person’s right to receive information about the allegations.

Coppin State Staff & Faculty

Most employees are required to report to the TIXC what they learn of a gender based harassment and sexual misconduct. The TIXC will provide information and resources to the individual disclosing and can help connect the person who has experienced sexual misconduct to a confidential source and/or to the TIXC.

Residence Life Staff (Resident Assistants, Hall Director, Staff)

Staff will contact the Title IX Office immediately so that resources, services, and reporting options can be provided.  Staff will share what you have reported with the Title IX Coordinator.

Coppin State University Public Safety

CSU will address urgent safety and medical needs; determine whether it will investigate based on facts presented; explain the criminal investigation process; and initiate a criminal investigation. Public Safety will share what you have reported with the Title IX Coordinator. If you request that Public Safety not initiate an investigation, they will honor that request to the extent possible. If the report raises significant safety concerns for you and/or other members of Coppin’s community, Public Safety may need to initiate an investigation on its own. All reasonable steps will be taken to protect your privacy. They may also need to share the information with Baltimore Police if they believe a felony has been committed. In this case, your request that no criminal investigation take place will also be shared. In rare circumstances, local police may need to contact you for more information and/or initiate an investigation on their own.

Baltimore Police

Local law enforcement will address urgent safety and medical needs; determine whether it will investigate based on facts presented; explain the criminal investigation process to you; and/or initiate a criminal investigation. CSU Public Safety and local police may work together on incidents reported by Coppin students, faculty and staff. Reporting to police and allowing them to investigate as soon as possible provides the best opportunity to preserve and collect evidence to evaluate whether a crime has been committed. Before reporting to local police, ask the Title IX Coordinator to explain the policies on investigating when the reporting party requests that no investigation be initiated.

Clergy, Professional Counselor, Psychologist, Social Worker, Doctor

Your communication with these individuals is privileged, which means they cannot share the information without your written permission. The person must be acting in the professional capacity that creates the privilege in order for it to apply. Communications with clergy will be considered confidential in a setting in which an individual is seeking spiritual or moral guidance or counseling. If you are unsure whether you would like to report to one or more of the other reporting resources here, a conversation with one of these professionals may be helpful because they do not have a duty to share information with the Title IX Coordinator.

Mercy Medical Center Forensic Nurse Examiner Program

Mercy Medical Center is a hospital located in downtown Baltimore where they have specially trained Forensic Nurses who are able to collect evidence suitable for use in criminal, civil and administrative hearings. If you believe that you have been sexually assaulted, it is best to have a forensic nurse exam as soon as possible. Try not to bathe, shower, change clothes, use the bathroom, douche, smoke or brush your teeth after the assault to preserve existing evidence. Even if these actions have been taken, an exam can still be performed up to 120 hours (5 days from the assault) in order to collect evidence. CSU Public Safety is available to transport individuals who have experienced sexual assault to Mercy Medical Center—a police report is not required to access this service. A forensic nurse exam is free of charge. More information is available at 410-332-9494 or

TurnAround Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Crisis Response Center

TurnAround, Inc. is the local rape crisis center and provides a confidential 24 hour hotline and support services to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.

House of Ruth

House of Ruth's 24/7 hotline is a confidential lifeline to victims in need. Counselors are trained in crisis intervention, safety planning, counseling and legal referrals, and pro-active advocacy to victims, as well as their families, friends, and the community in general.